reasons why muslims should not eat pork
Blogs , Halal

Why is Pork Haram? 12 Major Reasons Why Muslims Can’t Eat Pork

Discussing halal or haram foods in Islam is never complete without mentioning pork meat or pig in general.


Pork is one of the most known meats that is strictly prohibited for Muslims, and for this reason, a lot of questions concerning its haram status have risen. 


In this article, you will understand why muslims can’t eat pork. So if you are eager to know, stick with this page and read it carefully.


Why Is Pork Haram (Prohibited) In Islam?

Islam only permits herbivorous animals, which means for an animal to be permissible in accordance with Islamic dietary law, such meat must have split hooves and chews the cud. Examples are livestock such as deer, cow, goat, sheep, antelope, et cetera.


On the other hand, pigs are considered haram (prohibited), of course, they have cloven hooves however they do not chew the cud, and this is just one of the reasons they are considered haram. Another reason is that they easily carry bacteria that are harmful to humans.


Islam does not consider them dirty but unclean, pigs are omnivorous scavengers and they literally eat anything that comes their way, they are known for eating carrion and refuse, which is deemed unclean in Islam


Quranic Verses That Prohibit Eating Pork

For any edible to be considered halal or haram be it food, beverage, or animal, such edible needs to be proven through two major sources. The first is the Holy Quran – a sacred book of Muslims that contains the revelation of God (Almighty Allah), and the second, is the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammed) [PBUH].


The Holy Qur’an attests to the haram(prohibition) status of pork multiple times, one of which is (Surah Al Ma’idah 5:3) which reads:


“Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah; what is killed by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being gored to death; what is partly eaten by a predator unless you slaughter it; and what is sacrificed on altars.

You are also forbidden to draw lots of decisions. This is all evil. Today the disbeliever has to give up all hope of “undermining” your faith. So do not fear them; fear Me!

Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen Islam as your way. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger–not willing to sin–then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful”


From this Surah, it can be seen that carrion (decaying flesh of an animal), blood, and the flesh of swine are forbidden for Muslims to eat. 


Another Surah from the Holy Qur’an [Surah An-Nahl 16:115] proves pork to be forbidden and never to be consumed except if under a circumstance when it becomes a necessity and not by desire. This Surah reads:


“He {Allah) has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, But whoever is forced (by necessity) neither desiring (it) nor transgressing (it limit) – then indeed, Allah is Forgiven and Merciful.”


These Surahs displayed above are pieces of evidence that prove that eating pork is a sin for a Muslim, and therefore should never be eaten.


Hadiths that prohibit eating pork

Just as seen from some surah that was provided from the Holy Qur’an, pork is also mentioned in the Hadith of the prophets.


According to Abd Ar-Rahman ibn Sakhr, one of the companions of the prophet, and a prolific narrator of hadith, also popularly known as Abu Hurayrah, narrates:


The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) as saying: Allah forbade wine and the price paid for it, forbade dead meat and the price paid for it, and forbade swine and the price paid for it. (Sunan Abi Dawud 3485 – Book 23, Hadith 3478)”


Here are 12 reasons why Muslims do not eat pork meat:

Below are 12 unique reasons, why Muslims (By birth or Newly converted) are not allowed to eat pork:


1: Prohibition in the Quran:

To abide by the lawfulness and unlawfulness of everything that God has created, the Holy Qur’an which is the sacred book of revelation from God is believed to contain all that God obeys us to abide by.

Furthermore, several verses from the Holy Qur’an explicitly prohibit the consumption of pork. For this reason, it becomes a fundamental religious prohibition for Muslims.


2: Prohibition in the Hadith:

Auxiliarily to the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith of the prophet is believed to contain nothing but the truth of what the prophet has recorded concerning what God has ordered us (Muslims) to abide by. Furthermore, pork was also forbidden in the Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH).


3: Obedience to Allah:

The practice of abstaining from eating pork meat shows obedience, commitment, and submission of will to Allah.


4: Preservation of Spiritual Purity:

Islam believes that consuming haram (forbidden) foods, such as pork, dog, and snakes, can taint spiritual purity and distance spiritual connection with Allah.


5: Uncleanliness of Pigs:

Islam teaches purity and cleanliness, therefore do not appreciate the fact that pigs mostly dwell in refuse and mud around their excrete. They are said to be unclean due to their feeding habit and the potential health risks associated with their consumption.

They are known to be an omnivorous scavenger and eat almost anything including carrion, feces, and other unclean (najis) stuff.


6: Potential Health Hazards:

Based on their feeding and lifestyle, they easily carry various harmful diseases and parasites, such as trichinosis and tapeworms, which can pose significant health risks to humans if consumed.


7: Focus on Cleanliness and Hygiene:

Islam poses a strong emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene. By abstaining from pork, Muslims prioritize maintaining their physical well-being and cleanliness.


8: Improvement of Health:

The avoidance of pork serves as a preventive measure to protect the health against various potential health complications arising from consuming unclean meat, such as pathogenic E. coli, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, swine influenza, tularemia, trichinellosis, and others.


9: Cultural and Religious Identity:

The avoidance of pork has become an integral part of Islamic culture and identity. It serves as a marker of religious affiliation and solidarity among Muslims.


10: Symbolizes Self-Control:

Abstaining from pork signifies self-control and discipline in a Muslim, it also shows respect for the religion’s tradition, reinforcing the importance of moderation and restraint in all aspects of life.


11: Preservation of Tradition:

Avoiding pork is a practice that has been passed down through generations of Muslims, preserving cultural traditions and religious customs associated with food consumption.


12: Prevention Against Sin:

Showing commitment and obedience by abstaining from pork meat prevents a Muslim from sinning against God as well as keeping the spiritual bond with God strong and well-tethered.


Opinions of Islam Scholars Concerning Pork?

Pork is generally prohibited throughout the Islamic religion. The Sunni Madhhab school of thought which include Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali all condemn the consumption of pork. They all rule against the consumption of pork, based on what the Holy Qur’an says about it.



Muslims refrain from eating pork for a variety of reasons, including religious principles, cultural morals, and health concerns. This diet is influenced by the Quran’s explicit prohibition, the idea that pigs are unclean (najis), cause various health hazards, and the desire to submit to Allah’s will.


By adhering to the Will of Allah, Muslims proclaim their faith and maintain their health. Understanding these principles helps people (non-Muslims) appreciate the importance of food decisions in Muslims’ lives.

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