halal chicken vs regular chicken and the difference
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Halal Chicken vs Regular Chicken: What’s The Difference

Can I eat regular chicken if I can’t find halal chicken?


This is one of the most asked questions by any Muslim living in a country where finding halal-certified food is difficult.


In countries like the USA, most restaurants do not offer Halal-Certified meals as they do not know the importance of halal, becoming a challenge for Muslims to eat just any food.


Many individuals, especially Non-Muslims, find it funny when they hear Muslims talking about eating halal chicken, not regular chicken. They wonder if there’s a different chicken away from the one we all know.


This article will discuss, explain, and elaborate on the differences between Halal-Certified and regular chickens. 



Key Takeaway

  • What differentiates Halal chickens from regular or conventional chickens is that Halal-certified chickens are farm-raised chickens fed only grains and vegetables with no use of growth-boosting chemicals. They are also treated with respect.
  • Halal chicken meat must go through Zabiha slaughtering before it can be considered halal-certified chicken.


Of course, differentiating between Halal-Certified and regular chicken is likely impossible as chickens are the same physically, but let’s start by understanding the basic concept of Halal and how it is tied to chicken.


What is Halal Chicken?

In Islam, there is a dietary law that guides food consumption. This dietary law requires food to be permissible following Islamic rights and through the teaching of the Holy Quran – (A sacred book that Muslims believe to be the guide to righteous living.)


According to the Holy Quran, birds like chickens, turkeys, and pigeons are permissible if they are fed clean water, fresh grass, or vegetables only and do not come in contact with unlawful substances like alcohol content and more.


Halal Certified Chickens — are farm-raised chickens fed with grass, vegetables, or other feeds that do not contain growth chemicals. Also, they must be slaughtered following the Muslim right using a slaughtering method known as Zabiha before they can be certified halal chicken.


What is Zabiha?

The Zabiha slaughtering method is a humane process of killing land animals with blood running in their bodies.


This process involves gently laying the animal on the ground and holding it tight, covering the animal’s eyes in a way they don’t see a blade or knife, saying the blessing before slitting the animal, using a sharp razor knife for a swift, deep cut through the animal’s jugular vein, and allowing the blood to completely drain out by washing with clean water.


This killing method is believed to be the best and most humane way of killing an animal and must be done for any land animals as it also contributes to its Halal state.


Using stun guns, electrocuting, and suffocating animals is considered inhumane in Islam as the prey likely goes through many difficulties before death.


What Is a Regular Chicken?

Chickens that are not killed following Islamic teaching are considered regular chickens. This type of chicken is ‘Haram’ (prohibited/unlawful/forbidden) for Muslims to consume.


It is believed that regular chicken may contain some bacterias that are usually present on carcasses, as many are not left for blood to drain out of their body completely.


A simple case study of regular chickens has industrially produced chicken meat, where animals are likely kept in a room where oxygen is then extracted so they can quickly die of suffocation or industries where chickens are electrocuted and slaughtered by a machine.


According to Islam, this whole process is inhumane, and because the Holy Quran teaches us to treat animals with respect, those killing methods are not permitted.


Quran Verse Talks About Showing Kindness

As quoted in the Qur’an: Surah: Al-Anbiya: 107


“We sent you not, but as a mercy for all creatures.”.


The Prophet preached to people to show kindness to each other and all living beings. He forbade any form of cruelty to animals.

Health Benefits of Eating Halal Chicken

There are many health advantages of eating halal meat like chicken. Below are some of the health benefits of eating halal-certified chicken.


1: Halal Chicken is More Hygienic: Healthy living starts from food intake. Eating lean meat like chicken involves consciousness as they may likely be infected by harmful bacteria that may harm the immune system. All these fear can be practically reduced by consuming Halal-Certified chickens.


Farmers who raise Halal chickens and butchers who slaughter the meat adhere to halal dietary criteria. They ensure animals are healthy at the point of killing and are fed clean nutritious meals when reared. This also makes it a suitable choice for individuals with a healthy diet.


2: Safer For Healthy Consumption: Food safety and hygiene should be everyone’s priority since they are our survival means. Halal-certified meat reduces the risk of contamination as they are free from toxins.


Animals are fed only clean water, vegetables, and quality grains as sources for natural growth. Using growth boosters through injection or mixing in bird feeds is strictly prohibited. Halal-certified chickens are also sure to be free from cross-contaminants such as alcohol, pork, dog meat, and other unclean animals that carry huge amounts of pathogens. 


3: It Enhances Metabolism: One of the best ways to stay healthy is to eat nutritious and proteinous food. This helps keep our bodies’ metabolism fully active and ready to fight against harmful bacteria.


Since halal-certified meat such as chicken, beef, and more contain more nutrients and are free from bacteria that may attack and damage our immune system, it is an excellent choice to consume only halal-certified chicken.


4: Quality Taste: It was confirmed that meat containing blood is more prone to putrefaction and gives a sour flavor when cooking it. For this reason, practical research shows that Halal meats are tastier than regular ones. This is because halal – the zabiha killing method requires blood to drain out of the carcass completely. On the other hand, traditional meat does not follow this process.


5: Promotion for Sound Health: Because of the kind of foods and injections used by meat factories for the sake of mass meat production makes chicken meat is very much unhealthy as they are not allowed to grow naturally through the consumption of healthy, nutritional meal.


As a result, cholesterol, carcinogens, and pathogens are high in this kind of meat and may increase the risk of heart disease, cancers, urinary tract infections, and foodborne illness. All this risk can be escaped by only consuming halal-certified chicken.


Why Do Muslims Not Eat Regular Chicken

Muslims strictly follow the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Because conventional meats do not adhere to the rules and regulations of healthy consumption according to the Qur’an, this makes them non-permissible.


What Other Poultry Animals Can a Muslim Eat Besides Chicken?

Surely, Allah has made permissible thousands of foods, from grains to vegetables, beverages, and more. Allah also permits us to eat a variety of creatures but not, but that is unlawful.


Poultry Muslims can eat includes:


  1. Chicken
  2. Roosters
  3. Turkey
  4. Pigeon
  5. Guinea fowl
  6. Duck
  7. Pheasants
  8. Partridges
  9. Pigeons
  10. Quails
  11. Geese
  12. Doves


What Types of Birds Are Haram?

The Holy Quran forbids predatory animals that hunt for prey using claws or talons and animals that eat carrion. Haram birds that Muslims abstain from include:


  • Hawks
  • Vultures
  • Falcons
  • Kites
  • Eagles
  • Ospreys
  • Owls
  • Hoopoes



Muslims need to stick to Islamic Dietary rules as it creates a genuine bond with God and promotes healthy living. Shop zabiha-certified halal chicken online now. 

Halal meats are free of bacterium that causes foodborne illnesses since they do not contain blood after killing and for this reason, making it much tastier than regular meat. By indulging in halal-certified meals today, whether you are a Muslim or not, you have taken a big step ahead of healthy living.

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