top reasons you should eat halal meat even if you are not a muslim
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10 Reasons To Eat Halal Even If You Are Not A Muslim

Why do Muslims eat halal?

And as a non-muslim, should I eat halal?

If you want to eat healthier, tasty meals while maintaining physical and mental wellness and boosting immunity without sacrificing nutrient value, then you are in the right place.

This is because eating halal comes with a lot of benefits not only for Muslims but also for anyone who wants to eat right.

In this article, I will share with you the top 10 reasons why you should eat halal.

We will also talk about what exactly is halal and I will be sharing with you some halal food so you can know how to get started.


Let’s dive in.


10 Reasons You Should Start Eating Halal Today


Eating halal foods is a huge health benefit. Because halal foods are known for their cleanliness and purity, they become the best advice for meals that should be consumed. Here are reasons for you to eat halal meat regardless of your religious belief.


1: Safe for healthy consumption: 

Halal meats are farmed from healthy livestock and are free from harmful bacteria. They are 100% grass-fed, making them a suitable choice for people who care much about healthy living.


2: Dhabiha/Zabiha Slaughtering Method:

The animals are slaughtered with less cruelty. The Dhabiha slaughtering method has been proven to be the best way of killing an animal. This process contributes to lessening the pain of the animal during slaughtering


3: Contains Lesser Blood:

The Dhabiha slaughtering method involves completely draining blood from the carcass so the meat is not infected by foodborne bacteria.


4: Tasty and Delicious:

The complete draining of blood help prevent the negative effect on the taste of the meat which is usually caused by lactic acid that is present in the blood.


5: Promotes Physical and Mental Wellness:

Healthy food consumption brings healthy living. Halal meats are farmed from healthy animals that are not given growth hormone to grow, these animals are raised naturally, fed with healthy vegetables, and treated with respect. This notion is very important to some people.


6: Boost Immunity:

Because of the way halal animals are raised, makes them have larger amounts of nutrients which by extension helps strengthen the immune system.


7: Free From Harmful Additives:

Enjoy a wholesome meal without having any worries in mind. Halal meat and other edibles are free from harmful additives, preservatives, and unhealthy chemicals. This makes it a healthier option compared to other types of meat.


8: Free From Trichinosis:

While halal meat is thoroughly cooked to boiling point to eliminate the potential presence of bacteria, research done by the Centers for disease control and Prevention proves that consuming regular can be risky as the meat is more likely to be infected with Trichinella spiralis. A parasitic infection is caused by the roundworm. It is transmitted through the consumption of undercooked or raw meat. Complications such as stomach pain, diarrhea, fever, and muscle pain are part of the symptoms. In severe cases, it may result in heart failure or respiratory failure.


9:  Food Poisoning:

Halal foods and halal meat are well prepared and free from food bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. These bacteria are mostly found in pork meat and may cause food poisoning in humans. It is one of the reasons pork meat is not permissible for Muslims.


10: Ethical Preparation:

Halal foods are made with healthy consumption in mind. They are cooked using clean cooking equipment and cooking is done in a neatly-kept area. They are also free from unlawful substances like alcohol, pork meat, and more.



List of Other Halal Food

Enjoy a wide variety of lawful foods that can be enjoyed by both Muslims and non-Muslims, below are examples of halal foods you can eat as a Muslim:


  • Zabiha meat (beef and lamb) and poultry
  • Sea Foods
  • Dairy products from permissible animals, including eggs and milk
  • Animal-derived products extracted from Zabiha animals
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Non-toxicant grains
  • Legumes
  • Wheat
  • Flour meal (with no additives or unlawful substances)
  • No alcohol in any form.


Halal Meat: What Makes Meat Halal?

Not just like any other regular meat, Halal meats are different. They are tastier and healthier. For meat to be halal (permissible) in Islam, such meat must adhere to Islamic law. The laws go thus:


Lawful Animal: The meat has to be from a halal creature/animal. Examples of animals that are permissible in Islam include:

  • Farm Animal: Ram, Sheep, Goat, Cow, Deer, Antelope, and others
  • Poultry: Chicken, Duck, Guinea fowl, Turkey, and others
  • Aquatic Animals: Salmon, Mackerel, Tilapia, and more.


Care & Respect: The animal must be raised humanely, this includes feeding the animals with organic foods such as vegetables, pure and clean water, and ethical medications, as well as a wide yard to play around. The animal must also be treated with respect during its lifespan.

In addition, No growth hormone or other unethical medications is allowed as this is considered haram. Sea animals are to be caught using a fishing net. Poisoning their habitat for farming purposes is also not allowed.


Zabiha or Dhabiha Slaughtering: Livestock/Farm animals like Goat, Cows, Sheep, and so on must be slaughtered in a Zabiha or Dhabiha method, this involves saying a blessing (Bismillah Allahu Akbar) English: In the Name of Allah; Allah is the Greatest, then killing through a sharp cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery, and windpipe.

This process requires using a well-cleaned, razor-sharp knife, while the slaughterer must be fast with the killing to lessen the animal’s pain. Additionally, the animal must also be alive and in healthy condition at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass.

Use of stun guns, hanging, electrocuting, suffocating, and guillotining is strictly prohibited as they are perceived cruel.


Cooking: Cooking the meat should be done in a clean area, and equipment used in cooking must be free from dirt and haram substances such as alcohol, and only halal ingredients should be used.


Any ingredients that contain haram substances such as pork, bird of prey, and other haram substances must not be used as this may lead to cross-contamination.



Halal meat and other halal foods are prominent sources of nutrition. The concept of halal makes food items safe and healthy for consumption which by extension helps maintain an illness-free lifestyle, and strengthen the immune system.

With no exception, absolutely everyone can indulge in halal food regardless of tradition or religion. Halal food has been proven multiple times by science and other health organizations to be safe and healthier.

Halal animals are fully grass-fed and have no growth hormone injection or harmful chemicals given to them as it is considered haram. Halal animal goes through a Dhabiha process of slaughtering to ensure the animal does not have to suffer harder before giving up their life. Halal food is really a great choice to make when considering buying or eating a healthy meal.

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