is crab halal

Is Crab Halal or Haram? Can Muslims Eat Crab

Can muslims eat crabs or crab meat?

Crab is one among the number of sea creatures that are widely seen in the world’s seas and oceans and are usually consumed widely around the world and also a good source of protein.


With the increasing number of people converting to Islam and following a halal diet, the question of whether “Crab” is halal food or not has become a common one.


As a Muslim, there is a need to understand what goes in line with the Islamic dietary law and what doesn’t.


Halal which means permissible refers to food that is allowed to be consumed by Muslims according to Islamic law, while haram, which means prohibited is the other opposite, haram food or animals are those which does not go in line with the Islamic dietary law for food consumption.

Here is a comprehensive guide on the difference between what is considered halal and haram.


It is important to note that in addition to being permissible (halal) or prohibited (haram), some food or animals can also be considered doubtful or questionable.


This may probably mean that such food is not clearly Halal or Haram. In these cases, consulting religious scholars to gain a clearer understanding of the permissibility of the food is best advised.


This article will explore the Islamic perspective on eating crab and determine whether it is halal.


Key Takeaway

●      Understanding if a crab is haram or halal

●      Knowing the possible health benefit of crab

●      Knowing the opinions of different schools of thoughts about crab


Is Crab Halal?

If you are wondering what the answer to Is crab meat halal?

Yes, crab is halal according to some Islamic scholars, they believe for a type of food or animal to be considered halal, it must have gone through the Islamic dietary laws that are outlined in the Quran and the Hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad).


So they believe crab is halal and safe to use as food by the Muslims and they also back it up with a verse in the Quran which says “Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and (use) it for food as provisions for yourselves and travelers.” [Quran 5:96]


However, despite the Quran 5:96 verse of the Quran, there are scholars and Islamic schools of thought who still go against the consumption of some kinds of seafood most commonly shellfish.


Shellfish include lobster, oysters, crabs, and others. Since God has made every creature of the sea permissible for consumption, then why do they have to disagree?


Their opinion based on sea creatures is that only fishes with scale and fin are considered permissible.


Crab, being a type of crustacean, does not have fins or scales, and therefore, it is not considered pure according to Islamic law.


As a result, crab is considered haram (forbidden) according to this set of Muslims.


On the other hand, some Islamic scholars argue that crab can be considered halal if it is consumed in an emergency where no other food is available.

According to this view, the need to sustain oneself takes precedence over the restrictions of Islamic dietary laws, and crab can be consumed to prevent hunger.


Possible Health Benefits of Crab

Crab can be used to substitute some supplement pills which we take to get enough protein for the wellness of our body, it is known for its rich production of protein, and protein is very essential in our daily meals as it helps in building and maintaining muscle.


Crab also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and selenium. These nutrients are essential for enhancing overall health and preventing several chronic diseases.


In addition, crabs may do more good to the wellness of the body which includes

●      Promoting healthy bone

●      Boosting mental activities

●      Enhances heart health

●      It may eliminate inflammation

●      Boosting the immune system

●      Detoxifying the body, and many others.


Opinions Based On Different Islamic School Of Thought

According to both Hanafi school, and Shafi’i schools of thought – consider crab haram based on the principle that all seafood that does not have fins and scales is prohibited.


They argue that this is in accordance with the Quran and the Hadith, which state that only pure animals that have fins and scales can be consumed by Muslims.


Hanbali school of thought also believes that crab is haram based on the same reason as the Hanafi and the Shafi’i, they also believe that only fishes with scale and fin are considered a creature of the sea that is halal, but unfortunately, neither does a crab have fins nor it has scales.


The Maliki school of thought view – they take a more permissive approach and allows the consumption of crabs in emergencies. According to this view, the need to sustain oneself takes precedence over the restrictions of Islamic dietary laws, and crab can be consumed to prevent hunger.



To sum everything up, the majority of Islamic scholars consider crab to be halal and some consider it to be haram, some other scholars and schools of thought that consider it haram (non-permissible) also make it known that in exceptional circumstances, where there is no other food option, crabs can be used as a way of sustaining hunger.


Many Muslims around the world eat and enjoy the taste of crab and they probably still eat it to date.


It now depends on your thought about crab, you can as well consult your trusted and knowledgeable Islamic mentor for deeper enlightenment.

In addition, It is important for Muslims to carefully consider their dietary choices and follow the guidelines outlined in the Quran and the Hadith.


Frequently Asked Questions: Is Crab Halal


1: Aside from crab, what other seafood is halal?

According to some scholars and some teaching schools, kinds of seafood such as octopus, squid, clams, and oysters are all considered permissible (halal) but there are some Islamic schools of thought and some scholars who agree against the consumption of these creatures.


2: Are shrimp and prawn halal?

Yes, shrimps are halal according to some Muslims and they are used in the preparation of foods however some other set of Muslims does not eat either shrimp or crab because they consider it as seafood with scales and fin.


3: Why is crab not killed like other terrestrial animals since they also walk on land like sea turtles?

The sea turtle is othered to be slaughtered like other terrestrial animals because it has flowing blood in its body, although, crab do walk on land as well but does not have running blood in its body, this is why the same slaughtering method does not apply to both of them.


4: Can the preparation of crab make it forbidden to eat?

In exceptional circumstances whereby there is no other food except crab, make sure it is cooked in a neat and hygienic environment because Islam takes purity very seriously, additionally, make sure it is not cooked with other well-confirmed haram animals such as pigs or snakes.


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