what is the difference between halal meat and regular meat
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Halal Meat vs Regular Meat: What Is The Difference

Are you wondering what is the difference between halal meat and standard meat?

There are many key differences between halal meat and regular meat. However the main difference lies in the way the animal is reared and slaughtered.

In different communities and religions there are several consumption cultures and rituals being practiced, just as we have the vegetarians who happen to be people who only eat plant products such as fruits, crops and veggies, and in the other hand we have people who are meat lovers, they can’t go a day without eating meat.

Overview Of Halal Meat Vs Regular Meat

In some cultures, the way you kill or slaughter animals really does matter as these are based on traditions or religion.

One type of meat that is mostly talked about by people is halal meat, and why it is so special. This meat is only known by a few people who are mostly muslims and sometimes eaten by non muslims.

“Halal” as a word means permissible in Arabic, and which is subjected to prefix meat. Halal meat is meat which is permitted to be consumed by islamic doctrine.

Before a meat is considered as halal meat it means the meat has passed the ritual practiced by the islamic law and also the right way in halal slaughter (Dhabihah/Zabiha), this ritual includes the way the meat is killed, and what is believed to be the right way to cut meat under Islamic law?

Many activists around the world have constantly asked for clearer labeling of meat as to if it is halal or not, and it has often become a matter of controversy.

Here is all you need to know.

Key Takeaway

  • Halal meat is part of halal food that is permissible to eat under Islamic law
  • Halal meat is gotten from animlas that are killed according to Islamic metohd of slaughtering
  • Halal meat is free from antibiotics and growth hormones


What is Halal Meat?

Halal meat is the product of farm animals that meet Islamic rules and guidelines and are allowed for consumption usually refered to as Zabiha halal meat.

Since we are not the giver of life then why should we take them? This makes Islam counts livestocks as a gift and these animals must be well cared for since they also have lives and feelings in them.

On the day of slaughtering for consumption, to perfor zabiha, use of slaughtering machines are not prohibited by the Quran but only by hand, you must have a razor-sharp knife and the knife must be hidden from the sight of the animal be it cow or goat that you are about to slaughter, you must be swift to cut the windpipe (the breathing tube), carotid artery, and jugular vein in one smooth motion, this process makes it not prolonging for the animal to experience  painful death.

Use of stunning guns, captive bolts which are usually placed around cows are highly prohibited, this is because it seems like a torture to the poor animal before being slaughtered.

God’s name must be invoked in a one-line blessing called the Tasmiyah, and must be said before any slaughter, “Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar” which simply means (In the name of Allah the greatest).

Animals like cow, sheep, ram, goat, chicken, lamb, turkey, fish and many more are considered permissible (halal). Halal meats are monitored by the Halal Monitoring Services (HMS)

Other animals which are considered as unclean animals or haram and not acceptable to be consumed include pork, dog, bloody meat/not properly cooked meats, monkeys.

Since pork, pork chops, dog meat, and snake meat are considered forbidden in Islam, halal meat must not be slaughtered in the same vicinity where these forbidden meats are being slaughtered.

Furthermore, Islam prohibits animals with fangs, and venom and bids with talons, such as snakes, cats, tufted deer, scorpions, hawks, eagles, and owls.

Due to their production of venomous/poisonous when they bite which might probably lead to death, Islam forbids these animals and are therefore haram meat.



What Is Regular Meat?


Regular meat could be any consumable meat, they are usually mass-produced in animal agriculture, as compared to plant-based or grass-fed livestocks which are developed on a smaller scale, which can be way more expensive.

Regular meat are mostly corn-fedded and also given several drugs to maximize their growth for mass production.

They can be killed in any way but mostly in countries like the US, the techniques which are mostly used in slaughtering animals are a slaughtering machine, captive bolt, electrical techniques and stunning guns.


Differences Between Halal Meat and Regular Meat

Despite having same thing in common, the basic thing which separates a halal meat from a regular meat will be listed below:

  • Halal meat is only meat that is permitted to be consumed by the islamic law. Sheep, cows, goats, and lambs are all good animal products that are halal meat.
  • On the other hand, regular meat can be any dairy product and they can be consumed as well but not for muslims.
  • Regular meat such as  pork, dogs, monkeys, snakes are considered as haram in islam, these meats are not permissible to be consumed as they are considered unclean.
  • Halal meat is not to be slaughtered with the use of machines or any other ways that are accepted in the islamic way. For a meat to be considered halal meat it must be slaughtered by hand, using a razor-sharp knife and blessing must be said before taking the life of such animals, the blood must be completely drained and washed with clean water since islam forbids consumption of blood.
  • Regular meat in most cases are mass processed, they are mostly killed in cruel ways such as penetrating captive bolts, gas stunning and electricity are mostly used in countries like the US. this process of killing animals are not accepted in islam as it is counted as inhumane.
  • Halal meat should be fed good food/veggies, clean water, fresh air and wide space with adequate oxygen to roam, they must be well taken care of throughout their lifetime till day of consumption.
  • On the other hand, regular meat which is collected from grain-fed cows are fed (mostly) an unhealthy diet based on corn and soy during the latter part of their lives, they are often given drugs such as antibiotics and growth hormones to maximize their growth.


Halal Meat vs Conventional Meat: Which Is Better

how halal meat is slaughtered

Halal meat is not only healthier than regular meat, it also tastes good and even more tender compared to regular meat, this is due to the absence of blood in the meat.

Halal meat being well cooked with no presence of blood makes it advisable for healthy consumption as it is free from bacteria and other harmful substances causing several illnesses in the human body.


Frequently Asked Questions: Halal Meat vs Regular Meat

1: Is halal meat better for you than regular meat?

While both halal meat and regular meat can be nutritious, the key distinction lies in the method of preparation. Halal meat is prepared according to Islamic dietary laws, ensuring specific requirements are met, such as the absence of certain additives or hormones. This makes halal meat a choice for those seeking meat prepared with specific dietary considerations in mind.


2: What is the difference between halal and normal meat?

The primary difference between halal meat and normal meat lies in the way the animals are slaughtered. Halal meat is prepared by following Islamic dietary laws, which require specific techniques and the invocation of God’s name during the slaughter process. Additionally, halal meat comes from animals that have been raised and handled in accordance with specific guidelines.


3: What is the difference between halal chicken and normal chicken?

The key difference between halal chicken and normal chicken is the method of slaughter. Halal chicken is prepared by adhering to Islamic dietary laws, which mandate the use of specific techniques and the invocation of God’s name during the slaughter process. This ensures that the chicken is prepared in a manner that is permissible according to Islamic teachings.


4: How do you know if meat is really halal?

To ensure meat is truly halal, it is important to obtain it from trusted sources that adhere to proper halal certification and verification processes. Look for reputable halal certification labels or organizations that oversee the production and distribution of halal meat. Additionally, consulting with knowledgeable individuals or organizations within the Muslim community can help verify the halal status of the meat you intend to purchase.

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